But what is actually CBD Face Cream and how it can benefit your skin. Keep reading to gain more information about these products and how they can benefit your skin.
What does CBD Cream do for your face?
CBD creams are relatively new products in the CBD industry, however, during the last years, it has gained popularity due to their benefits. Several researchers have claimed that CBD has anti-inflammatory benefits when applied to the skin.
Moreover, it can help reduce several breakouts along with irritation created from skin conditions like psoriasis or eczema.
What benefits provide CBD face cream?
Many people choose CBD Face cream due to the anti-inflammatory properties that CBD holds for treating several skin problems. Having a balanced formula, these creams protect the skin from the natural ageing process while restoring its freshness and appearance.
When applied directly on the skin, CBD interacts with CB1 and CB2 receptors allowing to turn down the inflammatory process created on the skin. Several authorised types of research point over the boosted elasticity that is a result when applying CBD directly on the skin, allowing people to better their quality of life.
Due to the fact that Byolitic CBD Face Cream contains other skin-care superheroes ingredients like:
- Aloe Leaf Juice
- Jojoba Seed Oil
- Passion Fruit seed Oil
and many others, it allows the cream to deliver nourishing antioxidant protection while restoring the essential fatty acids for healthy skin.
How does CBD Face Cream work?
As stated above, CBD interacts with CB1 and CB2 receptors which allow to reverse the inflammatory process on the skin. Moreover, CB2 receptors that are located on sebaceous glands are responsible for oil production.
Several pieces of research have pointed out that CBD influences the sebum production of cells. According to another research, CBD can help kill several bacterias that are the main cause for acne, allowing to maintain a healthier free acne skin.
CBD Face cream can also decrease several inflammation caused by sunburns, acting as a natural protection for skin on the hot days.
Can I use CBD oil and CBD Face Cream at the same time?
It is safe to use CBD Oil and CBD Face Cream at the same time, as CBD Oil is meant to be taken orally while CBD Face Cream must be applied directly on the skin.
Is CBD face cream good for acne, eczema, scars and dark spots?
Does CBD Face Cream for Eczema work?
Several studies suggest that CBD Creams may help reduce eczema symptoms like dry and itchy skin. Eczema is considered a frequent skin condition that affects approximately 3% of the population. Some of the symptoms caused by eczema include: dry, itchy and painful skin.
CBD can decrease itching caused by eczema when containing other ingredients like shea butter, beeswax and coconut oil.
Research has found that CBD Face Cream decrease the severity of itching by almost 60% among humans, moreover, 33.6% of them, no longer needed their topical steroid treatments in order to manage pains caused by eczema.
Does CBD Creams work for acne?
Acne represents a condition that appears when there is an excess of oil, dead skin and dirt. Most of the research that has been made around CBD and Acne, points to the fact that CBD has the power to stop the excess of oil buildup that leads to acne.
Another study that has been published in the journal La Clinica Terapeutica, has studied 20 participants who had scars due to atopic dermatitis and has found out that CBD treatment has significantly improved their skin’s condition especially in categories like hydration and elasticity.
Does CBD Creams Work for Psoriasis?
According to a study published in the journal PeerJ Life and Environment found out that CBD has the potential to diminish the receptors.
A novel control of human keratin expression: cannabinoid receptor 1-mediated sig…
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cause excess skin cell buildup in humans with psoriasis. The study is a big promise to people who are looking to reduce their psoriasis symptoms.
Can you use CBD Face Cream when pregnant?
Although there are no official researches made on CBD Face Creams for pregnant women, we would advise speaking with a medical specialist before trying our CBD Face Cream if you are currently breastfeeding or pregnant.
Why is worth using CBD face cream daily?
Like any other supplements and creams, consistency is the key, that’s why our experts advise using byolitic CBD Face Cream daily in order to reach the desired results.
CBD Face Cream is worth using daily due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which will help you maintain healthier skin.
Do you use CBD face cream? Or are you a fan of CBD face creams and lotions? Let us know in the comments.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]